People often talk about getting inspired, as if it’s something you can go to the store and pick up off the shelf, if only you could afford it. But guess what? Inspiration is free and it’s already yours. It flows to you constantly from all directions. Perhaps all you need to do is open yourself up and allow the information to flow through.
Our Higher Selves are sending messages to us all of the time. The electromagnetic waves of thought and emotion are continuously traveling around and through us. If we become clearer receivers, we can pick up these messages and make use of them in inspiring ways.
One of the things we can do to feel inspired is to stop trying so hard. To try doing anything squeezes off the flow of inspiration by creating resistance in the form of self-doubt, worry or anxious fear.
Trying implies a lack of faith. When we’re trying hard to do something, it’s because we secretly don’t believe we can accomplish it. Instead, we need to open up and allow; become receptive so the words, artwork or action we are looking for can flow naturally.
One way to become more receptive is by opening through the heart center. Behind the heart are ganglia that are believed in some traditions to act as receptors and transmitters. We literally feel and transmit the effects of love through this space. It’s also this area that is referred to as the heart chakra. And it’s the place in our body where gratitude and inspiration arise.
When we feel uninspired, anxious, or bottled up, it may be that this heart area is being squeezed. A simple practice for opening your heart center and allowing inspiration to flow through is a quick meditation that can be done multiple times throughout the day. I’ve used this technique many times to reduce stress, moderate high level emotions, and even manage heartache. Consider finding a quiet place and engaging in the meditation below.

Open Heart Meditation
If you can, find a quiet place. Sit comfortably with your spine erect and your feet firmly planted on the floor, hip width apart. If there’s no place for you to retreat to, simply make the intention to take a small pause wherever you are.
Start by closing your eyes. This quiets any outer stimulus by shutting off visual distractions. Place both of your hands over your heart center, one resting slightly higher on your body than the other. Feel the warmth of your palms, pressing gently into your chest. Move your hands down slightly, so that the bottom hand rests over your solar plexus (just above your navel), and your top hand rests between your nipples.
Breathe deeply into your belly, and then let the air out slowly. Breathe in deeply again, this time filling your belly, and then inflate your ribcage, and then your chest. Let the air out slowly in one long, slow exhale. Take in another deep breath, and this time count how many seconds you inhale for, filling your belly, ribs and chest. Again, let your breath out slowly, adding two seconds to the amount of time it took for you to inhale. For example, inhale to a count of 4 and exhale for a count of 6. Continue breathing like this, allowing longer exhales to quiet your nervous system, while moving through your meditation.
Press your palms gently into your body and begin to picture a large lotus flower under both hands. See the flower open and the petals soften. Feel the warmth of your hands as the flower petals open and continue to breathe deeply and slowly. Feel your heart center physically soften. Feel your solar plexus muscles soften and relax. If you’re a visual person, you may even imagine a flow of energy entering and releasing from the center of this flower.
Feel or imagine soft warmth flowing into your heart and solar plexus as you breathe in, and flowing out of this center with your out breath. Continue this exercise for a few minutes and then slowly open your eyes. The goal is to remain open all of the time, to allow emotions, thoughts and energies to flow through freely. Use this mediation often, any time you feel your gut clenching, emotions rising or inspiration fading.
Because I used this technique so often in times of distress, I can now simply bring my awareness to my heart center and allow it to open, letting in more joy, inspiration and gratitude. Oh how life can shift when you change your focus!
Other Ways to Allow Inspiration to Flow
Another way to open to the flow of inspiration is to step away and do something else. This may seem counterproductive—especially if you’re working with a deadline—however, engaging your brain in an unrelated activity can boost your creativity. When you’re inspired, your projects are completed faster because you know what needs to be done or said and it pours from you, almost pre-formed.
For me, inspiration often hits in the shower. The perfect words come pouring through me so quickly and easily as hot water warms my skin and relaxes my nervous system. I have to rush with wet hair to my laptop and write everything down before it disappears.
You might try going for a walk. If you have natural areas available to you, make use of them. We have recreation trails throughout the DC Metro area that take us through lush, wooded areas. Birds chatter, frogs sing, squirrels scamper and deer glide gracefully through the air, over the trail and back into the woods. Sunshine blinks through the leaves overhead and breezes tug at our clothing, brushing our skin and bringing with them the scents of the season. Nature is a perfect muse. Neighborhoods are great too! Cities are filled with sights, sounds and smells. Just getting out into the world, away from your task and focusing on something else can spark creativity.
Another great way to open up to the flow of inspiration is movement. Put on some of your favorite music, or create a beat in your head, and start moving your body. As your body begins to flow, so will your creativity.
I know this will be your favorite. 😉 Cleaning up, doing dishes, organizing and other chores are a great way to shift your brain into a different wavelength. The chores need to be done anyway, right? Sometimes ideas occur to us when we’re busily engaged in activities we that don’t really have to think about, because we perform these tasks so often. So go ahead, improve your space and watch the ideas flow!
Whichever activity you decide to engage in for opening to inspiration, gratitude will speed the process along and bring you into closer contact with your personal muse. Acknowledging all of the little things you have gratitude for opens your heart center instantly and allows Source to deliver to you the most delicious inspiration, love and joy. Wherever you see your source of inspiration coming from, send out waves of gratitude that it is being born through you.
Do you have techniques for allowing inspiration and creativity to flow? What are some of the things you like to do to open up this space? I'd love to hear them! Leave a comment below.
For more inspiration 👉 @rephraselife on Instagram.
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