Copywriting Services
Writing that inspires, engages and informs.
Whether you need professional services described, your brand voice identified or product descriptions so alluring they practically leap into your customers' online carts, well-written copy can make the difference between a sale and a walk-out.
With over a decade in marketing and branding, I can tease out what it is about your business that makes you different and desirable. I love reading a romanticized or humorous product description, so I create them for others to enjoy.
Your potential clients and customers are much more likely to read about your services if your messaging sounds professional and clearly describes what it is you do. How many times have you gone to a website and—even reading between the lines—come away wondering exactly what is is they offer? It is a costly assumption that if people want to know more, they will call. Make the phone ring by clearly defining your products and/or services so that when someone does pick up the phone, they are halfway to a purhcase.

Copywriting Services:
Social Media Management